Episode 020 :: "Goldilocks and The Three Bachelors" + "The Men Tell Lee to Shut It"
Recap of The Bachelorette (Season 13, Episodes Nine AND Ten!)
Yes, my friends... the boys (and their wives) are BACK and we have SO MUCH to catch up on! (Two episodes worth!)
Join us as we discuss...
- Getting deja vu with three repetitive dates!
- Rachel's mom who is NOT into this at all!
- Rachel's dad who wasn't there (but actually WAS!!!!)
- How the voice of Kermit the Frog was fired last week! (Unrelated.. but it came up!)
- Why Peter is right!
- Why Eric is (always) wrong!
- Why Bryan is (the most) wrong!
- Good breakfast/brunch options in Southern California.
- The winner of our Instagram contest for a helicopter ride to Catalina!
All this and oh so much more on this episode of Bros Before Rose!
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Matt Barnes
Twitter :: @matthewbarnes // Instagram :: @matthewbarnes
Jeff Bachman
Twitter :: @drbackpack // Instagram :: @jbachman