Episode 121 :: We Survived a Bachelor Marathon!

Recap of The Bachelor (Season 24, Episodes Five and Six)
Holy crap! That was SO MUCH BACHELOR!!!! While we're mad at ABC and we're more convinced now than ever that Peter is an idiot, we survived FIVE HOURS of The Bachelor this week and recapped it ALL for you here!
Enjoy what will probably be our longest episode ever as we recorded two times to get it all in and then brought it all together here for you in this SUPER EPISODE!!!
All of this and so much more on this episode of Bros Before Rose!
And, as always, join us on Friday, for our Bros Before Rose: Group Date episode of the week where we focus on all of you... our community! (See, it's like a group date because we're spending time interacting with all of you!) This is where we'll be reading your emails, responding to your social media posts and talking about the Bros community!
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