Recap of Bachelor in Paradise (Season 5, Episodes Four & Five)
Another BiP marathon this week and we're here to cover every moment of it in our longest episode ever! (We think. We didn't bother to actually check.) From Tia whining about Colton, to Colton being unsure about Tia, to Tia crying over Colton, to Colton wondering if he should be with Tia, to Tia deciding that she for sure wants to be with Colton even after Raven shows up and tries to ruin things. (That's SO Raven!)
Mostly though, we're just sad for poor Grocery Joe. (Come on, Kendall! Make better decisions!) And Matt learns what "long dog" means.
In addition to all that, we wrap up our Dollar Drive (though you can always Venmo us money @brosbeforerose), respond to some emails and laugh like little girls.
Finally, this episode (and maybe the whole year of Bachelor shows?) are brought to you by The Edgar Allen Poe Estate!
Episode recap begins at 36:25!
All this and oh so much more on this episode of Bros Before Rose!
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